동해해수청, 최북단 저도어장에 ‘안전조업’ 지원

내달 2일부터 연말까지 ‘저도도등’ 운영 동해지방해양수산청(청장 안완수)에서는 다음 달 2일 부터 동해 최북단 저도어장이 개장됨에 따라 안전한 어로활동을 지원하기 위해 저도도등을 운영한다고 29일 밝혔다. 저도도등은 한시적으로 개장하는 저도어장의 북측경계수역(북위 38도 33분)의 일직선을 표시해 조업 중 조류나 바람에 의해 월선이 발생하지 않도록 본선의 위치를 육안으로 쉽게 확인 할 수 있도록...
삼척에 독도 바라보는 ‘눈 모양’ 다리 생긴다

오분~삼척항 연결 2020년까지 완공 동해안 새 일출명소 자리매김 기대 삼척시는 이사부 장군 출항지인 오분항 인근에 ‘이사부 독도 평화의 다리’를 건설할 계획이다. 이 다리는 일본의 독도 영유권 주장 등 역사 왜곡에 맞서 이사부 장군이 울릉도와 독도를 응시하고 있다는 뜻을 담고 있다. 삼척시청 제공 독도 정벌을 위해 이사부 장군이 출항한 삼척에...
동해 환상의 드라이브길 삼척여행

동해 환상의 드라이브길 이사부길은 새천년 해안유원지는 삼척항에서 삼척해변으로 4.6km 길이로 ‘한국의 아름다운 길 100선’에 선정된 곳이다. 동해 환상의 드라이브길 이사부길 삼척 정라진 항구에서 새천년 해안도로에 위치한 소망의 탑은 2000년 삼척시에서 2000년에 건립한 돌탑으로 매년 새해 해맞이 행사가 열리는 명소이기도 하다. 특히 소망의 종은 동해안 일출을...
돌아온 명태로 동해 ‘들썩’ 수산자원 기대감

◀ 앵커 ▶ 동해안에서 명태가 자취를 감췄는데 최근 들어 고성지역에서 하루에 수천 마리씩 명태가 잡히고 있습니다. 그동안 자원 회복을 위해 방류한 어린 명태가 돌아오고 있는 게 아닌지 기대감이 커지고 있습니다. 김형호 기자가 보도합니다. ◀ 리포트 ▶ 수산물 경매로 분주한 강원도 고성군의 한 항구. 부두 여기저기에 수백 마리의 명태가 무더기로 쌓여 있습니다. 오늘 하루 오전에만 이곳 항포구에서...
동해해수청 재난관리 우수

동해지방해양수산청(청장:유상준·사진)은 행정안전부가 주관한 2018년 국가기반체계 재난관리평가에서 우수기관으로 선정, 행정안전부장관 표창을 받았다. 국가기반 7체계 재난관리평가는 에너지, 정보통신, 교통수송 등 국가기반시설 9개 분야 273개 기관을 대상으로 재난대응역량, 업무연속성 관리 등 국가기반시설에 대한 재난관리체계를 평가한다. 동해해수청은 국가기반시설 위기관리 대응체계 구축, 전담조직 운영, 기관장 업무수행도 등에서 높은 평가를 받았다. 출처 : http://www.kwnews.co.kr/nview.asp?s=501&aid=219010100110
“망상에 사로잡히다”…동해시 망상해변 이색 포토존 눈길

강원도 동해시가 망상해수욕장 내 모래사장 한가운데에 설치한 이색 포토존이 관광객들의 눈길을 끌고 있다. 이 포토존은 LED 광성유 조명을 활용해 야간에도 즐길 수 있는데 ‘여기 오길 잘했지?’,‘스마일 망상’, ‘망상에 사로잡히다’등 3개의 아트네온 글씨로 꾸며져 망상해변을 찾는 연인 등 관광객들에게 인상적인 이벤트 장소로 할용되고 있다. 강성국 동해시 소통담당관은 “망상해수욕장이 여름은 물론...
동해 묵호항에서 바라본 새해 첫 일출

기해년 새해 첫 일출이 1일 오전 7시 40분 동해 묵호항에서도 화려하게 올랐다. 동해 지역은 추암을 비롯 망상해변, 묵호등대마을 등이 일출명소로 꼽히고 있다. 지난 12월 31일 저녁부터 관광객 환영행사가 곳곳에서 새해 첫 일출이 오르는 아침까지 다양하게 펼쳐졌다. 동해 묵호항 수변공원의 경우 새해 첫 일출을 위해 전국에서 찾아온 관광객들에게 떡국과 음료를...
동해청년작가회, 설치미술과 함께하는 동해표기운동

야외 설치미술을 통해 세계지도에 동해, 한국해로 표기되는 그날까지 국민운동 차원에서 접근하는 야외 설치미술전이 25일 독도의 날에 개막해 화제다. 시민운동은 여러가지 행위로 각종 이슈들을 공론화하고 그 중심에 시민들이 나서 해결하곤한다. 이번에 진행되는 야외 설치 미술전은 문화예술 프로그램으로 사회적문제를 함께 고민하고 해결하려는 움직임이다. 이 설치미술전은 평소 동해태생 홍익대 출신의 정명교...
바다 위 동해 가스전서 전기 뽑아낸다

오는 2021년 생산이 종료되는 동해가스전 해상 플랫폼에 ‘라이다’가 설치됐다. 이 장비는 레이저를 이용해 원격으로 바람의 풍력발전 적합성을 조사하는 계측기다. 한국석유공사는 지난 17일 200㎿ 규모의 부유식 해상풍력발전사업을 위해 1년간 이 장비를 돌려 풍황을 측정한 자료를 바탕으로 경제성과 예비타당성 등을 검토하겠다고 밝혔다. 공사 측은 기존 가스전 시설물을 활용하면서 철거비, 신규투자비, 오염방제비...
행복이 물드는 가을 단풍 여행, 동해로 떠나자

동해시(시장 심규언)는 단풍여행을 많이 떠나는 가을 기간 중 국내·외 관광객을 위한 특색 있는 프로그램과 다양한 이벤트를 진행한다. 시에 따르면, 오는 10월 20일(토)부터 16일간의 가을 여행주간 동안 △‘가을에도 인생샷 이벤트’ △삼화사의 우리 문화를 알리는 ‘템플스테이 체험’ △동해 행복플러스 우체통 운영 △동해국악원의 ‘우리소리 흐트러져 국악공연’ △김향숙 전통춤연구소의 ‘태평무 전통춤’ 공연 등...
대한민국 동해를 ‘East Sea’로 교과서에 ‘표기’한 유일한 국가

출처=유튜브 랭킹월드 Rangking World] 경제협력개발기구 OECD 회원국들을 보면 동해를 ‘Sea of Japan’이라고 표기하고 있는 국가가 많습니다. 그런데 대한민국을 제외하고 동해를 ‘East Sea’라고 표기하고 있는 나라가 있습니다. 동해를 ‘동해’라고 제대로 표기한 유일한 나라는 어디일까요? 지난 7일 외교통일위원회 소속 심재권 의원은 OECD 회원국 중 교과서에 동해를 ‘일본해’라고 잘못 표기한...
동해 NLL 일대 분쟁 아닌 평화 ‘넘실’

남북 정상이 동·서해 NLL일대의 일정 구역을 완충수역으로 설정해 ‘분쟁의 바다’를 ‘평화의 바다’로 전환하기로 합의,동해상에서의 공동어로 가능성이 커지고 있다.남북 정상은 지난 19일 “동·서해 NLL일대(속초~통천,덕적도~초도)의 일정구역을 완충수역으로 설정한다”고 합의했다.과거 남북간 군사적 충돌이 발생했던 동·서해 해역을 포괄해 80㎞ 해역을 ‘해상 적대행위 중단구역’으로 설정하자는 것이다.이 해역에서는 앞으로 해안포와 함포사격,해상기동훈련 등 모든 군사행위가 중단되는...
50개국 기업 850여곳 참가 참관객 10만명 돌파

동북아 경제한류 축제인 2018 GTI국제무역투자박람회가 역대 최고 성과를 거두며 16일 폐막했다.지난 13일부터 동해에서 열린 이번 박람회에는 세계 50여개국에서 850여개 기업이 참가,참관객 규모는 10만명 이상으로 역대 최대규모였다.박람회 상담액은 1494건 5만 9982만불이며 계약추진액은 715건에 1만 4990만불로 전년대비 335만불이 증가했다.또 국내 유력 바이어 20여명과 90여개 참가기업이 특별상담회를 개최,260억원 상당의 계약을 추진하며 중국을...
반크·서경덕, ‘독도(리앙쿠르록스)’로 쓴 OCA에 시정요구

사이버 외교사절단 반크는 인도네시아 자카르타·팔렘방에서 열리는 아시안게임의 주관기관인 아시아올림픽평의회(OCA)가 홈페이지(www.ocasia.org)에서 ‘독도’라고 표기한 뒤 괄호를 사용해 ‘리앙쿠르 록스’라 부연 설명한 것과 관련해 16일 “이는 잘못이며 ‘리앙쿠르 록스’를 삭제해 달라”는 내용의 서한을 OCA에 보냈다고 밝혔다. 박기태 반크 단장은 “OCA의 ‘리앙쿠르 록스’ 병기를 방치하면 일본이 전 세계에 독도를 왜곡할 때 악용할 소지가...
동해시, 6.25전쟁 68주년 기념식 개최

강원 동해시(시장 심규언)는 6․25전쟁의 역사적 교육을 상기시키고, 전후세대에게 호국 안보의식을 고취시키고자 ‘6․25전쟁 제68주년 기념식’을 개최한다. 민간에서 주관하던 6․25전쟁 기념행사는 2009년 11월 ‘6․25 전쟁 60주년 기념사업 위원회’의결을 거쳐 지방자치단체장 주관으로 실시하고 있다. ‘6․25전쟁 제68주년 기념식’오는 25일 동해 문화예술회관 대공연장에서 국가유공자 및 유족, 보훈가족, 군·경·학생·시민 등 600여 명이 참석한 가운데 열린다....
동해시, 남북교류 재개 대비 DBS크루즈 항로 활성화 나서(동해안 경쟁도시들 앞서 경쟁력 확보 TF 구성)

동해안 항구 도시들이 남북교류 재개를 대비해 치열한 바닷길 선점 경쟁을 벌이고 있다. 북한 나진·선봉항과 교류할 국내 거점항에 대한 주도권을 확보하기 위해서다. 동해시는 북한에 대한 경제 제재가 풀리면 철도 물류 도로 등의 분야에서 남북교류가 활성화될 것으로 예상됨에 따라 항만 분야 등의 대응전략을 마련하기 위한 ‘북방경제중심도시 도약을 위한 태스크포스(TF)’를 구성하고, 북한...
전천변에 ‘생활환경숲’ 조성한다_시민에게 도심에서 보다 가까운 곳에서 숲의 혜택 제공

동해시가 사업비 약 2억원을 투입하여 오는 6월 말까지 전천 일대에 ‘생활환경숲’을 조성한다고합니다:) 지난 2017년 산림청 ‘생활환경숲 조성사업 공모’에 선정됨에 따라 추진되는 이번 사업은 시민의 이용이 많은 전천 변에 도시숲을 조성하여 아름다운 경관을 제공하고 도심 속 녹지 공간을 확충하기 위한 것으로, 이를 위해 시에서는 지난 3월 실시 설계를...
동해시, 중국 타이저우시와 우호교류 의향서 체결

강원 동해시가 중국 타이저우시(台州)와 상호협력 발전을 위한 우호교류 의향서를 체결했다고 21일 밝혔다고 합니다!! 이번 의향서 체결로 동해시와 타이저우시는 경제와 무역, 과학기술, 문화 교육 등 다양한 분야에서 교류와 협력을 통한 공동번영과 발전을 추구한다고 하는데요:) 또 정기적 소통 채널을 개설해 양 도시의 협력사업과 공동 관심사에 대해 협상해 나갈 것을 합의했답니다....
동해시 ‘길 위의 인문학’ 사업 6년 연속 선정

강원 동해시가 ‘길 위의 인문학’사업에 6년 연속 수행기관으로 선정됐다. 14일 동해시에 따르면 문화체육관광부가 주최하고 한국도서관협회가 주관하는 2018년 도서관 ‘길 위의 인문학’ 사업은 강사의 일방적 강연이 아니라 토론, 조사, 발표 등의 방식으로 수강생의 참여 기회를 적극 확대하고 강연과 탐방, 후속 모임으로 이루어진 지역 인문 콘텐츠를 활용한 체계적인 프로그램 운영을...
동해시, 동해·묵호항 북방물류 중심 기대( 남북정상회담 계기로 여건 급진전)

남북정상회담을 계기로 강원 동해·묵호항 활성화의 기대감이 높아지고 있습니다. 동해시는 그동안 북방물류 활성화의 대안으로 러시아 블라디보스톡과 중국 투먼시와 교류관계를 강화해 왔고 북방물류거점항만 도약을 위한 마지막 보루로 북한의 나진, 선봉항과의 교류를 기다려 왔다고 하는데요! 특히 동해항의 활성화를 위해 수산물은 물론, 일반물류 및 북방교역의 전진기지로서 북방경제를 선점하고 모든 분야에서 러시아, 중국 등과...
Halting hostile activity between South and North Korea a key feature of Panmunjeom Declaration
resident Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during their summit in Panmunjeom on Apr. 27. (Photo Pool) In the Panmunjeom Declaration released on Apr. 27, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un affirmed that they would work together to ease inter-Korean tensions in...
동해시 한섬 일원에 감성 바닷길

천혜의 자연경관을 자랑하는 강원도 동해시 한섬 일원에 ‘감성 바닷길’이 조성된다고 합니다:) 동해시는 올해부터 2020년까지 한섬∼고불개∼가세∼하평 구간에 감성 바닷길을 조성한다고 12일 밝혔는데, 총 1.6㎞에 이르는 감성 바닷길에는 39억원의 예산이 투입돼 해안 데크와 전망대, 체험존, 주차장, 편익시설 등이 들어선다고 하네요 우와!! 너무 기대되요!! 또, 한섬 일원은 국내 최대의 마린 포트홀과...
동해시, 2018 용산서원 삼진다례제 개최

동해시가 18일 오전 동해 용산서원에서 2018용산서원 삼진다례제를 봉행했다. 심규언 동해시장과 지역의 유림 등 약 200여명이 참여한 가운데 열린 2018 용산서원 삼진다례제는 후학 양성과 지역 교화에 애썼던 구천 이세필 선생(龜川, 1642~1718)의 숭고한 정신을 기리고자 매해 음력 3월3일 (삼짇날) 열리고 있다. 동해시 효자로 583 (쇄운동) 일원에 위치한 용산서원은 조선 숙종 31년...
North, South Korea won’t march together at Paralympics amid flag row
SEOUL (Reuters) – South and North Korea will not march together at the opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympics, as they did at the Olympics last month, because they cannot agree on a united flag that erases islands disputed with Japan, officials said. Japan complained to South Korea about...
Independence Movement Day is “a new starting point for establishing peace”

South Korean President Moon Jae-in did not make any specific mention of inter-Korean relations in his congratulatory address on March 1, a holiday marking the Korean independence movement launched on that day in 1919. Instead, he said, “We will make the 100th anniversary of the March 1 Movement and...
동해해경, 봄 행락철 맞이 연안해역 합동 안전점검

동해해양경찰서(서장 김용진)는 봄 행락철을 앞두고 4월6일까지 관할 지자체와 독도관리사무소, 동해지방해양수산청과 합동으로 연안해역 안전점검을 실시한다고 6일 밝혔다. 동해해경은 관내 안전사고 발생 가능성이 높은 곳에 대해 사고이력과 위험성 평가 등을 거쳐 A, B, C 세 등급으로 나눠 위험구역을 관리한다. 현재 관리청과 합동점검을 토대로 안전관리시설물을 정비하고 있다. 이번 합동점검은 연안사고 안전관리규정에 따라...
Moon vows new era of peace from 2019

President Moon Jae-in declared that next year – the 100th anniversary of the birth of Korea’s independence movement – can be a starting point for the establishment of a permanent peace on the peninsula. In his first address on March First Independence Movement Day, which marks the nation’s 1919...
Japan’s new textbook guidelines renew territorial claim to Dokdo

TOKYO — Japan renewed its claim to South Korea’s easternmost islets of Dokdo in its revised guidelines for textbooks unveiled on Wednesday. Japan’s education ministry posted a draft version of the revised guidelines on Tokyo’s e-government website for public view. If finalized, they are expected to apply to high...
[PyeongChang 2018] Korea not to use Dokdo-showing flag during PyeongChang Olympics

South Korea’s foreign ministry reaffirmed Tuesday that it will not use a unification flag showing its eastern islets of Dokdo during the upcoming Winter Olympics, out of respect for the International Olympic Committee’s recommendation to not politicize sports events. This comes after Japan expressed concerns over the hoisting of...
East Sea, The Name from the Past, of the Present, and for the Future
source: Youtube – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
Places to visit in Gangneung, another winter Olympic city

The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics are up in three weeks and around 190,000 people are expected to visit Korea during the global sporting event. Fifteen events are scheduled to take place in PyeongChang, Jeongseon County and Gangneung during the 17 days. Gangneung, one of the most popular domestic tourist...
‘일본해’ 잘못 표기된 세계지도에 ‘동해’로 바로잡은 할리우드 배우

장영훈 기자 = ‘한글어 수집가’라는 별명이 생긴 할리우드 배우가 일본해로 표기된 세계지도에 당당히 동해라고 적어 남다른 한국 사랑을 드러냈다. 지난 25일(현지 시간) 할리우드 배우 토마스 맥도넬은 자신의 트위터를 통해 “사랑해 방향 바꾸기”라는 글과 함께 사진 한 장을 게재했다. 공개된 사진에는 ‘일본해(Sea of Japan)’라고 적혀 있는 부분을 빨간색으로 X표시한...
S. Korea starts 2-day Dokdo defense exercise

South Korea on Thursday began a two-day military exercise for the defense of Dokdo, a set of rocky islets in the East Sea to which Japan lays territorial claim. “The Navy will conduct the regular Dokdo defense exercise aimed at preventing the infiltration of external forces into the South...
A journey to the East Sea by high-speed train : New KTX line makes Gangneung’s wonders all the more accessible

GANGNEUNG, Gangwon – Before the opening of the KTX line to Gangneung, Seoulites who wanted to visit this seaside city on Korea’s eastern coast would have had to drive three hours by car or ride six hours on a train. Those days are in the past with the new...
Trump meets with ‘comfort woman’ during state dinner

In perhaps the most iconic picture during his trip to Korea, U.S. President Donald Trump was photographed embracing a victim of Japan’s wartime sexual slavery during the state banquet with President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday. Lee Yong-soo, an 89-year-old Korean survivor, was invited to the dinner banquet hosted at...
US bombers overfly Korean peninsula in show of force

SEOUL: The US has flown two supersonic heavy bombers over the Korean peninsula in a show of force against Pyongyang, staging the first night-time joint aviation exercises with Japan and South Korea. Two B-1B Lancers based in Guam flew a mission in the vicinity of the Sea of Japan...
S. Korea unveils East Sea video in Japanese, 4 other languages

SEOUL, Sept. 14 (Yonhap) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Thursday it has posted video clips online in Japanese and four other languages to promote a wider global use of the East Sea name in referring to the waters lying between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. The videos...
S. Korean Navy holds naval training against N. Korea

South Korea’s Navy said Tuesday it has conducted massive live-fire drills in the East Sea in a show of its resolve to retaliate against North Korea’s provocations. Among assets mobilized were the 2,500-ton Gangwon frigate, a 1,000-ton patrol ship, 400-ton guided-missile vessels and 130-ton high-speed boats, according to the...
Japanese scholar publishes book justifying Korea’s Dokdo ownership

A Japanese historian will publish a Korean book containing ample historic evidence justifying South Korea’s sovereignty over Dokdo Island in the East Sea. “Truth of Dokdo” is a Korean translation of Norio Kuboi’s book of the same title published in Japanese in 2014. Dr. Lee Jang-woo, a Japanese teacher...
Old Japanese textbook shows Japan didn’t consider Dokdo its territory

A Japanese state textbook shows that the country hadn’t laid a territorial claim to Dokdo, a group of small islets in the East Sea, at least until in the late 19th century, in the latest piece of evidence that gives an upper hand to Korea in the territorial dispute...
New historical map found in Japan marks Dokdo as Korean territory

An antique map from the 19th century depicting the Dokdo Islands as part of Korean territory has been discovered in Japan. Nam Kwon-hee, a professor of library information science at Kyungpook National University, said he confirmed a Japanese collector has a...
Vacationers warned after sharks caught in Korea’s East Sea

By Ko Dong-hwan Summer vacationers on Korea’s east coast have been warned about sharks after fishermen caught several of the creatures this year. The coast guard in Pohang said a 20-kilogram shark was found dead 200 meters off Yeongdeok-gun, North Gyeongsang Province, on July 27. It was caught in...
US High School Textbook to Talk More about Korean History

One of the major world history textbooks is to contain more pages that deal with Korean history, especially regarding its cultural heritage and political/economic development. On July 28, Academy of Korean Studies and Ministry of Education announced that Bedford-St. Martins, which is an affiliate of a major textbook publisher,...
More Korean history to be included in US textbook from 2018: ministry

A widely used US history textbook will carry more pages on the unique ancient culture and modern economic development of South Korea starting next year, Seoul’s education ministry said Friday. The revised content will be published in the Ways of the World, co-written by professors Robert Strayer and Eric...
VANK chief stresses proactive promotion of Korean history

Voluntary Agency Network of Korea (VANK) founder Park Gi-tae, center, poses with Korean language teachers from around the world after his special lecture on Korean history at the global campus of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, Monday. / Courtesy of VANK Koreans...
Dramatic shortcut for Seoul-East Sea travel opens Friday

The Dongsea Highway will open tonight, enabling cars to reach Yangyang, a scenic coastal city in Gangwon Province, from Seoul within 90 minutes. This represents a travel time cut of about 40 minutes. Dongsea Highway extends 71.7 kilometers from East Hongcheon to Yangyang. It has 35 tunnels and 58...
Korea conducts Dokdo defense dril

Navy ships and Korea Coast Guard vessels conducting a regular defense exercise are seen from Dokdo, the country’s easternmost islets, Thursday. / Yonhap By Kim Rahn The Navy began a regular exercise for the defense of the nation’s easternmost islets of Dokdo, Thursday, prompting a strong protest from...
Map Of East Sea, East Sea Location Facts, Major Bodies Of Water, Sea Of Japan

What is the historically correct name for the body of water lying between Korea and Japan? There are many opinions, and in the world of geography and maps there is often more than one answer to the question. In short, it depends on whom you ask. Before the 18th...
Poland workshop focuses on disputes in East Sea

Hanoi (VNA) – The 13th Lodz East Asia Meeting (LEAM) themed “Power shifts in East Asia: Prospects for Developing Asian-European Ties” took place recently in Poland, with a discussion on territorial disputes in the East Sea and navigation security in Asia being held for the first time. As the...
Virginia revises textbook guidelines in line with ‘East Sea’ legislation

December 14, 2015 WASHINGTON (Yonhap) — The U.S. state of Virginia has revised the guidelines for history and social science education in line with a newly enacted law that requires textbooks to use the Korean name “East Sea” alongside the Japanese name “Sea of Japan” for the body of...
Map collector embarks on patriotic mission
Museum director prepares for Gando battle with China By Kang Hyun-kyung SUWON, Gyeonggi Province — If her collection of antique maps and books can help Korea have the upper hand in its territorial disputes with its neighbors, a collector says she would have fulfilled her role as a patriotic...
Old Map Throws New Light on Naming of Regional Waters

An old Japanese map indicating the waters between Korea and Japan as the Sea of Chosun, after the last Korean dynasty, has been discovered. Professor Kim Moon-gil, who obtained the map last July at a book store in Osaka, says the map can be used to prove that the...
Int’l forum on East Sea name due in Finland
SEOUL, Aug. 18 (Yonhap) — Dozens of international experts on geographical names will gather in Finland next week to discuss a long-running dispute between South Korea and Japan over what to call the waters between the two countries, organizers of the event said Tuesday. The International Seminar on the...
More Whitewashing?
Japanese Government Holds Hands with American Strategic Advisory Firm – Senator Tom Daschle is the founder and chairman of The Daschle Group, a public policy advisory of Baker Donelson.- SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA 28 April 2015 – 6:30pm Jung Suk-yee According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Japanese government...
North Korea test-fires 3 ship-to-ship missiles into East Sea
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff says North Korea test-fired three ship-to-ship missiles into the East Sea from waters by the coastal city of Wonsan between 4:25 and 5:23 p.m, Korea time, on Saturday. The KN-01 missiles are known to have a range of one-hundred kilometers. According to the...
Sea of Japan naming dispute
The international name for the body of water which is bordered by Japan, North Korea, Russia, and South Korea is disputed. In 1992, objections to the name Sea of Japan were first raised by North Korea and South Korea at the Sixth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of...
U.S. Textbook Skews History, Prime Minister of Japan Says
By MARTIN FACKLER JAN. 29, 2015 TOKYO — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan on Thursday criticized an American textbook that he said inaccurately depicted Japan’s actions during World War II, opening a new front in a battle to sway American views of the country’s wartime history. Speaking in...
East Sea Gas Field
Daewoo International Discovers Gas Reservoir for Potential Commercial Production in East Sea 23 January 2015 Jung Yeon-jin Daewoo International and the Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) announced on Jan. 22 that they have confirmed the existence of a gas reservoir for potential commercial production in the 6-1 southern field...
Dokdo islets disappeared in CIA’s World Factbook
JANUARY 06, 2015 07:16 The Foreign Ministry has found that the Dokdo islets are removed from the map of Korea in the World Factbook published by the CIA. The CIA World Factbook is an authoritative source cited by many global organizations. As of Monday, the World Factbook on the...
Review of the year in arts and culture
8,765 hours of singing. 365 days of dancing. 12 months of things we’ve seen, and some things we’ve never seen before 1 year of life, a year colored by the arts and culture of our world. You learn from your past,.. but also from the past of others. This...
One Moment, Please… What should we expect
While I support our Freedom of Expression, a cornerstone of our democratic rights, I also encourage good judgment. If we use our Freedom of Expression to create a movie that presents a plot revolving around the idea of two Americans assassinating the leader of another country such as North...
IKEA to drop controversial “Sea of Japan” map next year
SEOUL, Dec. 4 (Yonhap) — IKEA Korea said Thursday it will stop selling a disputed map that had marked the water between South Korea and Japan only as “Sea of Japan” starting next year as it prepares to open its first showroom in South Korea. “We acknowledge that IKEA...
IKEA Beat up by Korean Consumers Even before Landing in December
SEOUL, Nov. 17 (Korea Bizwire) — IKEA is being criticized for its pricing policy in Korea. That’s largely because the Swedish furniture seller has not found out enough about Korean consumers. Earlier on November 13, IKEA Korea began its first marketing effort by releasing pricing information on its 8,500...
Singer Lee Seung-chul Denied Entry to Japan
Singer Lee Seung-chul was denied entry to Japan on Sunday, apparently due to his performance on Dokdo in celebration of Liberation Day on Aug. 15. Japan lays a flimsy claim to the Korean islets on East Sea, and Liberation Day marks Korea’s independence from Japanese colonial rule in 1945....
[Interview] The battle for the “East Sea”
Scholar couple refers to old maps to support the use of the East Sea over the Sea of Japan By Han Seung-dong, senior staff writer “When a sea is shared by several countries, naming that sea after just one of those countries is unlikely to win the approval of...
N. Korea fires two ballistic missiles into sea
2014-03-26 SEOUL/WASHINGTON, March 26 (Yonhap) — North Korea test-fired two ballistic missiles into the sea off its east coast Wednesday as the leaders of South Korea, the U.S. and Japan held a summit in the Netherlands to pressure Pyongyang to denuclearize. Seoul condemned the launch as a violation of...
‘East Sea’ bill sent to Gov. McAuliffe’s desk
2014-03-06 WASHINGTON, March 5 (Yonhap) — Virginia legislators wrapped up all legislative procedures in both chambers on the “East Sea” bill Wednesday, passing the onus to Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Last month, the House and Senate approved bills that require all public schools to name the body of water...
Korean Americans push to rename Sea of Japan in state legislatures
2014-02-21 A high-stakes struggle between Asian powers over territory and resources in the Sea of Japan has opened a new front in unexpected locations: American state legislatures. Now, the centuries-old feud between South Korea and Japan will soon impact some schoolchildren in the United States. Korean American activists have...
Regaining lost names – Virginia’s ‘East Sea law’ should be crucial beginning
2014-02-09 If you want to take someone’s possession and make it yours, the first thing you should do is rename it. Extended to a national level, that’s what Japan did with Dokdo (Takeshima) and the East Sea (Sea of Japan). Imperial Japan even tried to change the names of...
How Korea gained ‘East Sea’ success
2014-02-12 The increasing power of Korean communities in the United States and their sophisticated strategies are behind the recent feat of getting several U.S. state legislatures to pass so-called “East Sea” bills, according to observers Tuesday. Under the bills, the body of water between Korea and Japan will also...
Virginia vote on Sea of Japan hands victory to Koreans
2014-2-6 Two of America’s closest Asian allies played out their historic rivalry in the U.S. state of Virginia on Thursday, with South Korea celebrating victory after state lawmakers approved legislation requiring that the Korean name for the Sea of Japan be included in new school textbooks. Virginia’s House of...
Japan Protests Chinese Memorial to Korean Assassin as Ties Fray
2014-01-20 TOKYO — Japan on Monday protested against a Chinese memorial to a Korean who assassinated a Japanese official over a century ago, branding him a terrorist and saying the move did not help repair deteriorating ties. China’s ties with Japan have long been colored by what Beijing considers...
Virginia’s legislative committee OKs bill on East Sea name
2014-01-14 WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (Yonhap) — A U.S. state legislative committee on Monday passed a bill on naming the waters between Korea and Japan despite Tokyo’s lobbying against it. The bill is one of three pending in the Virginia state legislature calling for local public schools to identifying the...
Tumultuous year ahead for Northeast Asia
Sino-Japanese territorial row expected to escalate; N.K. will continue to pose nuclear threat 2013-12-30 Northeast Asia faces another tumultuous year, as geostrategic rivalries are expected to intensify while Pyongyang’s nuclear programs continue to pose a threat to the region. Tokyo’s long-simmering territorial rows with Beijing and Seoul may further...
Seoul’s air defense zone reaction and security
2013-12-22 The world’s trade structure has changed dramatically over the last decade, with China having replaced the United States last year as the biggest trading nation. As recently as 2006, the United States was the most important trading partner for 127 countries, compared to 70 for China. But by...
French Atlas adopts ‘East Sea’
2012-7-24 This is the 2012 edition of “Le Grand Atlas” which French publisher Editions Atlas recently issued. The atlas adopted the “MER DE L’EST (East Sea),” in parrel with “MER DU JAPON (Sea of Japan),” for the first time in referring to the seas between the Korean Penisula and...
Korea needs more time for East Sea endgame
2011-08-22 There is still time before the international community comes to any consensus on the official appellation for the body of water Korea’s neighbor Japan calls the Sea of Japan and Korea calls the East Sea, Seoul officials said. That is because amid all the wrangling between Korea and...
(LEAD) S. Korean lawmaker calls for budget hike for East Sea campaign
2011-08-16 SEOUL, Aug. 16 (Yonhap) — South Korea should increase its budget and assign more diplomats to bolster its campaign to change the international community’s name for the waters separating the Korean Peninsula and Japan to the “East Sea,” a ruling party lawmaker said Tuesday. Amid renewed passions over...
S. Korea to eventually push for use of only ‘East Sea’: FM
S. Korea to eventually push for use of only ‘East Sea’: FM 2011-08-12 SEOUL, Aug. 12 (Yonhap) — South Korea will eventually push for the international community to only recognize its name for the body of water between Korea and Japan, once it succeeds in establishing concurrent use of...
Korea Dropped the Ball Over Int’l Naming of East Sea
Korea Dropped the Ball Over Int’l Naming of East Sea 2011-08-11 The U.S. and United Kingdom have submitted letters to the International Hydrographic Organization supporting the name “Sea of Japan” as the sole designation for the body of water between Korea and Japan. The IHO publishes “Limits of Oceans...
S. Korea protests U.S. agency’s name for East Sea
S. Korea protests U.S. agency’s name for East Sea 2011-08-08 SEOUL, Aug. 8 (Yonhap) — South Korea has lodged an informal protest against a U.S. government-funded agency’s decision to use Japan’s name for the body of water between Seoul and Tokyo, a diplomatic source said Monday.Seoul and Tokyo have...
Koreas one-man PR machine
‘I identify myself as a freelance Korean public relations expert. My job is to make the country known to the rest of the world. Seo Kyoung-duk is a man of solitary hope. He invests his life savings to publish ads about his native Korea in major American newspapers. He...
East Sea
Geographical Nature of “East Sea” The East Sea is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean and is surrounded by the northeast part of Asian Continent, the Korean peninsula, the Littoral Province of Russia, the Sakhalin island, and the Japanese islands. It has an area of 1,007,300 approximately and...
The Historical precedent of East Sea (Sea of Korea)
In most world maps and atlases used internationally today, Korea’s “East Sea” is indicated as the “Sea of Japan,” and therefore an immediate correction is warranted. To this end, it is necessary to review the historical background of the term “East Sea” and how Korea’s East Sea has been...
Korean waters run deep
A group of Japanese envoys arrived in China after being shipwrecked on the coast of Yangzhou, China, in A.D. 838. Ennin, who was honored with the name of Great Monk, was a member of the mission that Japan dispatched to China to build cooperative relations with the Tang Dynasty....
Online patriots can learn about Dokdo, plant Web flowers
More Koreans are taking their patriotic campaigns into the virtual world as yesterday marked the anniversary of liberation from Japanese colonial rule. The Northeast Asia History Foundation opened on Tuesday a digital archive of the history of Dokdo, the disputed chain of islands in the East Sea (Sea of...
UCC Online Campaign on East Sea Kicks Off
A volunteer Korean online group Sunday pledged a full-fledged international campaign through the distribution of user-created contents (UCC) to get map makers and international organizations to use the name “East Sea on their maps, not “Sea of Japan. The move comes as the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) opens a...
Neither East Sea Nor Sea of Japan
The issue over registering the official name of the waters between the Korean peninsula and Japan will likely not be settled at the general assembly meeting of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) held in Monaco. Therefore, discussions on the issue are expected to be delayed until the next general...
Why did the sea name vanish on the world maps ?
“Sea of Korea (East Sea)” has been marked, on the world maps made in the West Europe, as Mare Occeaneum (Carpini, 1245), Ocean Orientalis (Waldsssmuller, 1507), East Sea (Zang Huang,1613), Mar Coria (Manuel Godinho, 1615) and so on. International Hydrographic Conferance was opened in London in June, 1919 at...
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